Máster en Psicología y Psicoterapia Transpersonal ONLINE Y PRESENCIAL

Máster en Psicología y Psicoterapia Transpersonal ONLINE Y PRESENCIAL


The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology offers a whole series of training resources within the framework of psychology and transpersonal therapy. 

This course 2021-22, within the framework of the Master, and due to the success achieved in the last edition, we are going to travel, once again, through the vital labyrinth, to cross the threshold of the Hero’s Journey, to pilgrim all together towards the Garden of the Goose, key to the Templar worldview, of the European shamans, connoisseurs of profound wisdom, in the light of Jungian Psychology.

We will make this mythical journey of 10 stages, where we will also explore 3 Breaths, to complete a total of 10 weekend workshops